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Articulate Storyline examples

Click on the links below to see Articulate Storyline examples:
1) Team Building
2) Sting-Ray Bay
3) Quiz Game

Learning Management System: Visual examples

Example 1

I can build a variety of high quality content in Moodle, following branding guidelines and styles. I can create a variety of Moodle assessment tasks.

Example 2

I can create activities that enhance learning outcomes and increase engagement using a variety of H5P resources.

Example 3

I consistently create resources such as info-graphics, using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Example 4

I can embed resources onto the LMS, such as ClickView and YouTube videos as well as audio files and interactive elements.

Example 5

I can add images to the LMS from Shutterstock and other sources following copyright guidelines.

Example 6

I build engaging activities that cater to a diverse learning audience and adhere to UX/UI best practice principals.

Example 7

The course writer provided the above graphic to be re-created on the LMS.


Using Abode Illustrator I re-created the graphic, keeping the learning objective intact whilst focusing on the learner’s accessibility.

Example 8

The course writer provided this graphic to be visualised on the LMS.


I re-conceptualized the information making it easier for the learner to navigate. The course writer was very happy with this solution.